What is 128-bit SSL Encryption? And why it’s important.

MESH Finance
1 min readJan 21, 2021


Everyone wants their data to be well protected. The process of transferring data from your web client (Chrome, Safari, etc.) and a web server could use an SSL encryption to protect your data. The solution for safe data transfer comes via a session key, which is essentially a given code for client and web server to securely interact while blocking out any unwanted third-party persons.

So, why is 128-bit encryption necessary? It is necessary because of how secure it makes the transfer of your data. The amount of time that it would take for a hacker to decrypt 128-bit, is 1,020,000,000,000,000,000 years (even with the world’s fastest computer.) It’s safe to say that your data is in good hands with this level of encryption.

The higher the key length the harder it will be to crack the code. With banks using 256-bit SSL (2^256 possible key combinations), and majority of companies using the very capable 128-bit, it’s safe to assume that if any hackers wanted to intercept your data, it would take them a very long time.



MESH Finance
MESH Finance

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